January 31, 2011

Are You Still Fighting

Weekly Devotional
January 31,2011

Suggested Reading: Proverbs 26:26; Ephesians 5:10-14

Reflection: Are you still fighting?

Inspiration: True growth is achieved when people insult you and you don't feel the urge to insult them back. Instead, you bless them (say something kind) and keep it moving. I am still guilty of this, at times. Like, if someone insults me or says things that I know to be untrue, I feel the need to "set them straight". However, all this does is turn into a back and forth battle making me look like a fool like them. Nothing about that is godly. God does instruct us to EXPOSE evil, but we are not to repay insult with insult. The best advice I can offer is to remove people from your life who are clearly an "enemy". You do not have to associate with people who clearly mean you harm. This goes for family members as well. We have the power to choose who we allow in our INNER circle. You can love people from a distance. Don't worry yourself over those who may feel rejected or hurt by your choice. Remember, we are to GUARD our heart. Do everything in LOVE, but don't let people take advantage of that LOVE. We are still supposed to use WISDOM. Always pray and allow the HOLY SPIRIT to guide you. When you feel PEACE then be at peace with that decision. Do not allow others to feed you their opinions. It is perfectly OK to seek advice, just be sure that final decision is YOURS and not THEIRS. Please realize, this battle we are in is not flesh & blood. It is SPIRITUAL. The sooner you accept that it has already been WON, the sooner PEACE enters your spirit. EXPOSE evil, just don't TANGO with it.

PRAYER: Heavenly Father, we come to you through your precious Son, Jesus. Please show us those that you have placed in our lives for a season, reason or lifetime. Please help us to discern the spirits of good and evil. Please give us the peace that only your Spirit provides to guide us through our daily walk. In Jesus Name, Amen!

Shannon E. Robinson
"Ignorance is a Choice, not an Excuse."

*Romans 15:1-3*

Jesus said to him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me." ~JOHN 14:6

January 28, 2011

Who Are You Listening To?

Suggested Reading: 1 Corinthians 5:11-13

Reflection: Who Are You Listening To?

Inspiration: God instructs Believers to judge other believers. Yet, why do so many Christians say we are not to judge? The ones who say we are not to judge are choosing to be disobedient. I am not perfect byfar. I have been guilty of turning a blind eye and deaf ear. I do not always do what I am supposed to do either. I even ceased attending church because I was hurt in the church. I started believing the lies that all I need is to watch sermons in the comfort of my home on TV. However, if that were ALL I needed, then I wouldn't have falling into a BACK-SLIDEN State. However, this is why the Lord wants us to NOT cease our assembling together as believers. We need to go to church. Not just to be taught and fellowship. But to also hold each other ACCOUNTABLE. If you keep yourself isolated and watch church on TV, who checks you on your mess? Yes, God sees ALL. This is true. But He also knows we need each other. He gave us all a GIFT to share with each other and He wants us to be surrounded with like-minded people - BELIEVERS IN CHRIST JESUS. If you remove yourself from the church, then you are surrounded by whom? The LOST. Don't be fooled by the lies of the devil. You need church and the church needs you. So if you have "itching ears", I suggest you wash them with the WORD of GOD. Anything else, is only a temporary fix, but not a solution. God's PERMANENT fix will be the differance between LIFE & DEATH! The choice is yours (once you HEAR it, you must choose, but you won't be able to say "I didn't know".

Heavenly Father, I come to you through your precious Son, Jesus. Please show us where we fall short and show us, daily, how much we truly need you and all of your children. Help us to be obedient to YOU. In Jesus Name, Amen!

¤Shannon Robinson

Joyful is the person who finds wisdom, the one who gains understanding.-Prov. 3:13

Jesus said to him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me." ~JOHN 14:6

October 4, 2010

Weekly Devotional By Shannon E. Robinson~ October 3, 2010

Born 2 Inspire You
Weekly Devotional By Shannon E. Robinson

Weekly Devotional
Sunday ~ October 3, 2010

Suggested Reading: Matthew 18:32-35; 2 Corinthians 2:10

Reflection: Are you truly a forgiving Christian?

Inspiration: How can you refuse to forgive those who ask you for forgiveness when Jesus forgives you everytime you ask Him? Forgive and He will forgive you. Withhold forgiveness and He will not forgive you. If He can forgive you through your daily sins, who are you to deny another who asks you for forgiveness? Forgive and release that person and that weight from your shoulders.

Heavenly Father, we come to you through your precious Son, Jesus. Please show us and guide us through forgiveness of those who have hurt us. Lord God, please remind us of all the pain and suffering your Son went through. And that even though He did not deserve it, He still forgave and prayed for the people as they crucified Him. Lord God, please remove arrogance and bitterness from us. Please fill us with more of You and none of us. We were destined for Hell! But You chose to give us a way to be forgiven! Thank You Lord for forgiving us. Thank You for you patience. Lord, please open the eyes of the blind and the ears of the deaf. Show us that true followers of Your Son are endless forgivers. Amen!

¤Shannon Robinson
Joyful is the person who finds wisdom, the one who gains understanding.-Prov. 3:13